Our Services Provided
Food Pantry
Our supplemental food assistance includes non-perishable canned/boxed food items. Families can receive a bag of canned & boxed goods.
*Each family receives about 1 week’s worth of food per household.
To receive food from the pantry:
1. Individuals can call us directly to schedule an appointment.
2. Clients will fill out an intake form on their first visit so we can determine further help. All information is confidential.
3. We serve clients up to 2x a month (bi-weekly).
Clothing Closet
The GLOWW Center provides clean, gently used clothing for women. Each woman can select a combination of clothing from the Clothing Closet with a volunteer as follows:
Tops (Blouses, Sweaters, Tanks, Tees, etc.)
Bottoms (Slacks, Jeans, Skirts, etc.)
Women’s Suits
Accessories (shoe, purse etc. as available)
To receive clothing from the clothing closet, individuals can:
1. Call us directly to schedule an appointment. (Appointments are scheduled in 30min windows for privacy & comfortability).
2. Fill out intake form upon first visit to The GLOWW Center so we can determine further help. All information is confidential.
3. Clothing is available every 30 days as needed. Exceptions will be made in an emergency.
Diaper Bank
The GLOWW Center is pleased to be a Diaper Bank Agent in Yorktown, VA for women in need with children between newborn through 5 years of age.
Participation guidelines include:
Please call The GLOWW Center to fill out the application form for this service.
*Clients will receive a pack of diapers for each child under their care and custody monthly. Diapers will come with one pack of wipes based on availability.
Hygiene Bank
The GLOWW Center provides a Hygiene Bag to single moms as needed. Hygiene products include (when available):
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Bar Soap/Liquid Body Soap
Future Services will include:
Education & Training
We’re looking forward to serving the single mom community of the VA Peninsula with Education & Training in the near future! Classes and training will be taught by volunteers, community organizations, subject matter experts and professionals.
Classes to be provided include:
Financial Workshops
Work /Career trainings
Spiritual needs
Health Improvement
Child Rearing
General educational classes
Classes will be announced. Email us to be placed on our waiting list.
Would you like more information? Please reach out to us by filling out the below: